While trying to build a healthier morning routine, I found I wasn’t able to stick to it as easily as others because I never knew what type of mood I would wake up in. I quickly realized there was a lot of life advice out there but not a lot of life advice about living with Bipolar. My Google searches came up with very clinical answers from
So that’s what I
My page will consist of tools that will encourage mindfulness, organization
I ask for to things from people reading my blog:
1.) A sense of curiosity
It was key for me to stop looking at my Bipolar Disorder as some monster and start looking at it with a sense of curiosity. ” Right now I’m feeling overwhelmed, hmm, I wonder why? I wonder what would happen if I take this action?” View your mind and emotions with a sense of curiosity
2.) An experimental mind
Not all of the tips and tricks I provide to you will work. Even the ones who work will work in some situations but not others. Look at these skills as fun little expiraments to try and observe how they affect your mood or desired outcome. This is how we learn about ourselves and each thing we learn about ourselves helps us build a better understanding of how we can live better lives! It’s exciting! You will notice, over time that you are slowly building a map to your mind, a wellness plan, a toolbox for each situation. Each solution you discover, when practiced will become second nature. Soon you’ll be regulating yourself without even noticing.
3.) Learning as a lifelong journey
But it can be fun. You are getting to know yourself and soon you will know yourself better than most other people. We have the potential to be super wise, creative and empathetic beings and the more we understand who we are the more we can help others.
My goal is to help you build your own personalized success map by providing tools and “